

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 1 av 139

Nätet spinns vidare : Hur används Internet i ungdomsromanen?

The essay is a text centred study of ten Young Adult Novels, in which Internet plays an essential part. The structure is put into light out of used narrative techniques of how to create stories and its construction elements. I compare the ten Young Adult novels to each other. My aim is to analyze the functions of the Internet motive in the chosen novels, using different approaches, and enlighten it with concerns to the new phenomenon that Internet is in society. Consequently the essay will also have a mimetic touch to it.The ten novels that I base the analysis on are written of both med and women and have both male and female as main fictive persons, and are from different parts of the world.

Bibliotek och unga vuxna : En undersökning av arbetet och profilen hos två unga vuxenavdelningar

The aim of this thesis is to examine how two Young Adult departments at two public libraries work and what profiles the Young Adult departments have. To examine the work and profiles at the Young Adult departments I have used the following questions: What are the ideas about working with Young Adults? How are the two departments in this study working whit Young Adults? What or which are the profiles of the Young Adult departments in this study?To answer the questions above I used a qualitative method based on interviews with the librarians responsible for the Young Adult departments. To complete the interviews I studied the libraries Internet sites and official documents. The examined departments are located at two city libraries and were chosen manly for their focused age group, 15-25 years and that the departments are well established.To analyse the results I used the theoretic model of Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen about the role of the public library.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av föräldrars delaktighet i vården av unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa.

Background: Young Adults undergo a phase in life when they try to become independent individuals and are expected to take responsibility. The transition to adult life, cause hardship for all Young Adults, but with concurrent mental illness this transition can be more complicated. The Young Adults may need support from their parents in connection with care.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' perceptions of parental participation in the care of Young Adults with mental illness.Method: To describe the perceptions of a phenomenon, qualitative interviews with a phenomenographic approach were conducted. The interview texts were analyzed into five description categories and 10 perceptions. In the study, eight nurses were interviewed.Results: The result shows that parental participation in the care is based on the Young Adult's decision.

Vuxnas läsning av ungdomslitteratur ? en påse med godis, en trettioårskris eller som vilken litteratur som helst?

I approach the subject of adult readers of Young Adult fiction through an analytical framework influenced by Cultural Studies, implicating that Young Adult fiction is caught up in a system of distinction between popular literature and high literature. I contrast this with theories that suggest that there has been a loosening of this hierarchy and that they now coexist, even borrowing features from one another. I also examine questions of ideology, namely the ideology of mass culture, the ironical attitude and the ideology of populism. I also use Andreas Huyssen?s theory of mass culture as a woman, seeing as popular literature often tends to be categorized with feminine traits.

Vuxen i lagens mening : bakomliggande teorier, idéer och resonemang

At the turn of the century 18/1900 Swedish law looked upon young people as being adults at about the age of 15. At 15, the young person had left school, had his first employment and provided for himself and also had been confirmed to full membership of the Swedish State Church. Thus he was to be considered an adult and responsible for his actions. Parents, society/school and Church had done what was expected of them and now it was up to the 15-years old to live according to the laws and to be punished if the laws were broken. Over the following hundred years, at the time of the millennium, Swedish society changed a lot.

Betydelsefulla motivationsfaktorer hos unga vuxna som skall söka arbete : -Rädsla för att hamna utanför samhället

A Young Adult is defined to be in the ages 16?25 and it is during these years that they step in to the job market. Many Young Adults feel pressured by society to have a job and to keep it. There are motivational factors such as money, activity level, variation, social contacts and personal development that drives the Young Adult to want a job. The purpose of the study was to examine which motivational factors are significant and the difference between the genders.

Vuxenliv med funktionshinder : En studie om unga vuxna med lindrig utvecklingsstörning

This study focuses on Young Adults with mild mental retardation and how their early adult life is a few years after leaving high school. They have grown up in a society where the view on mentally disabled has undergone big changes. Political decisions regarding handicapped, laws, official principles and social reforms have been dominated by the prinziple of normalization.The purpose has been to describe how the Young Adults themselves experience their life. The questions were: How is the every day life for Young Adults with mild mental retardation? Do they have asset to community support in order to reach as normal life as possible? How satisfied are they with their life?The investigation is a quality study through interviews with four Young Adults and their parents.

Mediekonsumtion som verktyg för ungdomars identitetsbildning : En kvalitativ studie om hur ungdomar använder medier för att påverka andras bild av deras identitet

The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent  Young Adults use media to create the image of themselves. The questions we wanted to answer was as follows: what does the media use of Young Adults look like compared to their attitudes towards media content; what awareness do they have of other Young Adults attitudes concerning media content; and finally, how do these attitudes affect their own media use?Media consumption is a great part of  the daily lives of Young Adults living in Sweden: the national  average media consumption is seven hours a day, for 15-24 year olds. This provides a new way for Young Adults to express their identity - by showing their use of different media content, they can change other's perception of themselves.The method we used in our study was a combination between a quantitative and a qualitative method. We first made a survey in three classes with senior year high school-students, in a Swedish school.

?Man ska kunna komma in vit i ansiktet utan att det är någon som gnäller på en?: En studie av en Unga vuxna-avdelning.

The aim of this thesis is to examine whether the youth section, named ?Young Adults?, in the library in our study is justified or not. We will do this by examining connections between society?s and the library?s views on youth and youth culture. In our study we examine the purpose of the Young Adult-department and which measures are taken to reach the purposes.

Han Och Han : Eller hur homosexuella killar porträtters i två moderna ungdsomromaner

This essay deals with how Young Adult literature describes and characterizes young homosexual men. Two novels are analyzed within a framework of queer theory and cultural studies. The focus is on how sociality enforces heteronormativity. The analyses of the novels investigate how the characters think of themselves and their sexuality, what their view of love and relationships are, and how their closest friends and parents react to their homosexuality..

?Man behöver inte folks nummer längre? : En studie om hur studenter använder meddelandekommunikation via smartphones

How do Young Adult students communicate through their smartphones today? Which applications and features do they choose? What motivates their choices for the various possible situations? In this paper we investigate which communication channels Young Adult students in Sweden use for private message communication in their smartphones, in what way they use the channels and why they choose specific channels for different types of communication. In Sweden today, there are numerous of different ways of communicate through smartphones. We have interviewed ten Swedish Young Adult students regarding their use. The results speaks for that SMS has proven to still be used very frequently, even though it has existed for many years and that there are plenty of other ways to communicate through private messages today.

Bibliotekets tidskrifter och tidskriftsavdelning: En undersökning av högstadielevers läsning i relation till utbudet.

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the supply of magazines and periodicals for young people at the library. We also examine young peoples reading of magazines and periodicals and compare the librarys selection with what young people read. The main questions of this thesis are: What do young people do at the library on their spare time? What weekly magazines and periodicals do young people read? What range of magazines and periodicals do the city- and the school library have? Where is the department located and how is it designed? What kind of relationship is there between young peoples reading and the selection? To answer these questions we have done an interview with a librarian and a questionnaire among 13-16 year old children. We found that it is not often that young people read their magazines and periodicals at the library.

För gammal för Twilight? Synen på ungdomsböcker och vuxnas Twilight-läsning i ett urval av LibraryThings användarrecensioner.

Using a discourse analytical approach this thesis examines a selection of user reviews concerning Stephenie Meyer?s Young AdultNovel Twilight, published at LibraryThing 2009-07-01 ? 2010-12-31. The aim of the study is to identify and shed light upon the conceptions relating to target audiences distinguishable in the reviews and todiscuss the possible consequences of categorizing fiction by age of theintended reader. In order to accomplish this, the study examines the conveyed images of Young Adult fiction and grown ups? reading of Twilight.The thesis concludes that several discourses regarding Young Adult fiction are distinguishable in the material; some of which concern level, quality, and writing style, others thematic and contentbasedaspects, while one concerns fiction aimed specifically at girls.

Är cannabis den nya folkölen? : Unga cannabisanvändares tal om cannabis

The aim of this study was to examine Young Adult cannabis users? attitudes towards cannabis and their perception of the normalization of cannabis. The purpose was also to explore how their views of cannabis correspond with norms regarding cannabis. This study is based on interviews with five Young Adult cannabis users. The theoretical framework is based on Parker?s normalization thesis, Goffman?s notion of stigma, Becker?s definition of outsiders and the definition of social identity developed by Stone.

?Den stojande hopen? : Diskurser om ungdomar i två bibliotekstidskrifter 2005?2010

The aim of this thesis is to examine discourses about the user category young people in two well-established Swedish library journals between the years 2005 and 2010.The empirical material consists of 65 texts derived from the library journals Biblioteksbladet and Bibliotek i samhälle. By using discourse theory and methodology I discover several different ways in which young people are categorized in the library context. As a complementary theory I have analyzed the material from an intersectional perspective. The result shows that young people most of the times are defined by adults. Several characteristics such as creativity, interest in modern technology, messiness and need for support are repeated in the descriptions of the young, suggesting that there is clear idea of how young people are.

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